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Pre-Start Check using Handheld Device is a solution offered by Cognecto to address the challenges associated with manual pre-start checks in the metal industry. This innovative solution leverages handheld devices to streamline and digitize the pre-start inspection process, ensuring compliance, efficiency, and enhanced safety.

Pre-Start Check using Handheld Device is a solution offered by Cognecto to address the challenges associated with manual pre-start checks in the metal industry. This innovative solution leverages handheld devices to streamline and digitize the pre-start inspection process, ensuring compliance, efficiency, and enhanced safety.



Problems We Solve

Traditional pre-start check procedures in the metal industry often involve manual paperwork, which is time-consuming, prone to errors, and can lead to delays in operations. Additionally, relying solely on paper-based records makes it difficult to track and analyze inspection data, impeding proactive maintenance and identifying potential equipment issues.

Our Solution

Cognecto's Pre-Start Check using Handheld Device revolutionizes the pre-start inspection process in the metal industry. It replaces paper-based checklists with digital forms accessible through handheld devices. This digitized system allows operators to efficiently perform inspections, record findings, and capture essential data using a user-friendly interface.

By using the handheld device, operators can easily complete the pre-start checklist, capturing information such as equipment conditions, fluid levels, safety features, and more. The data is instantly recorded, eliminating the need for manual data entry and reducing errors.

Furthermore, the solution provides real-time synchronization of inspection data to a centralized database or cloud-based platform. This enables managers and maintenance teams to access and analyze the collected data promptly. With comprehensive insights into equipment condition and maintenance requirements, proactive maintenance planning becomes more efficient, minimizing downtime and maximizing productivity.

Road Elevation and
Gradient check

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Customer Outcome


Improvement in production due to efficient asset availability


reduction in break down down to frequent start stop


of operators comply with asset allocation constraints, resulting in reduced accidents and safety violations

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