Vendor Rating: Operator Score & Productivity


Operator scoring in open cast coal mines for productivity and operational efficiency involves assessing performance while operating heavy equipment like dozers and tippers. It aims to evaluate factors such as production output, equipment utilization, adherence to safety protocols, and effective utilization of resources to enhance overall operational efficiency in coal mining operations.

Operator scoring in open cast coal mines for productivity and operational efficiency involves assessing performance while operating heavy equipment like dozers and tippers. It aims to evaluate factors such as production output, equipment utilization, adherence to safety protocols, and effective utilization of resources to enhance overall operational efficiency in coal mining operations.



Problems We Solve

Mining companies in open cast coal mines face challenges in maximizing operator productivity and operational efficiency while operating heavy equipment like dozers and tippers. They require effective solutions to track material movement, ensure compliance with operational guidelines, optimize equipment utilization, and minimize task completion time to achieve optimal mining performance and improve overall operational efficiency.

Our Solution

Cognecto offers a comprehensive solution to improve operator scoring on productivity and operational efficiency in open cast coal mines. Our advanced Material Movement Management system provides seamless tracking and efficient management of all loads throughout the mining operation. It captures essential load information, including operator details, material type, payload, and haul time, enabling valuable insights for optimizing material movement and informed decision-making.

The Material Movement Management system includes features such as load validation and alerts, ensuring compliance with designated dumping areas and preventing improper material disposal. Real-time stock/stack quantity information allows for efficient inventory management, optimizing logistics and avoiding delays or shortages. Load factor calculation ensures accurate payload estimation when a payload interface is not available, guaranteeing precise load tracking. The system seamlessly integrates with other components of the Cognecto solution, facilitating comprehensive reporting and analysis of material movement data.

Road Elevation and
Gradient check

Seamless shift attendance tracking.

Real-time personnel status and crew management.

Enhanced compliance and resource utilization.

Customer Outcome


Streamlined workforce management and resource allocation for enhanced operational efficiency.


Streamlined material movement, optimized inventory, and efficient logistics for mining companies.


Increased operational efficiency, safety compliance, and productivity through data-driven insights.

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